Technology Shared Services
What can we do for your organization?
Design • Implement • Maintain
We provide cost-effective technical support, installation and setup, maintenance, application support, and hardware support to help your organization thrive:
- Maintain your technology assets such as computers, printers, projectors, SMART Boards, servers, routers and switches. When the time comes to upgrade or replace this equipment, NRESC can provide you with unbiased product recommendations and facilitate your evaluation process
- Design, secure, update and maintain your network infrastructure. NRESC's network engineers can periodically assess the condition of your network and answer capacity questions before your organization invests in new software.
- Converged networking: Our team can help you leverage your network investment to carry more than just data. Save money by using your existing network to carry voice, video and surveillance traffic.
- Cloud computing: Save money by moving e-mail and application services to the "cloud". Our engineers can assist you in making a smooth migration to cloud services.
- Advanced technologies: Virtualization, storage area networks, server co-location, IP telephony, surveillance and access control. Our team is always at the forefront of technology.
Brian Zinn
Director of Shared Technology Services
Patryk Dziekan
Technician / Data Specialist
Dean Atkinson
Network Administrator